110 S Woodward Avenue, Globe 3100 | Tallahassee, FL 32306-4018 | 850-644-9574 | membership@floridastateph.com | floridastateph.com
Thank you for your interest in joining our Panhellenic Community at Florida State University. The power of women is indefinable, and our community is built upon the foundation of helping women discover the true potential that lies within all of us. Recruitment is a special time for us, as we welcome new women into our community to share the same experience that we have. Before registering, there is some important information to be aware of.
At this time, recruitment is scheduled to take place from August 17- August 25, 2023.
Registration Information:
· For first time registrants please click "CLICK HERE IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP WITH FSU." You will need your fsu login information to register for recruitment.
· Your FSUID is the series of letters and numbers before the "@fsu.edu" in your FSU email
· Questions pertaining to your year in college, please respond in accordance to number of years in college. For example, if you graduated from high school in 2024, please mark “First Year.”
· The uploaded picture you provide should be a headshot picture with no one other than yourself in the picture.
· Articulate any potential conflicts on the registration you will be emailed a survey later on in the survey to confirm your conflict information.
· If any conflicts arise after registration, please login into your Campus Director profile and input that information AND email membership@floridastateph.com
· The fee to participate in Panhellenic Recruitment 2024 is $190, and this covers a variety of expenses such as two t-shirts, three meals, a clear tote bag to be used during in-person rounds, online orientation content & platforms, virtual event management, and additional recruitment expenses. Your registration will not be finalized without your payment, and you will not be able to participate in recruitment if it is not paid. Once you have paid, there will be no refunds.
Special Accommodations
FSU Panhellenic has the ability to accommodate most, if not all, special accommodations. Please indicate on your Campus Director profile if you need a special accommodation AND email membership@floridastateph.com
If you have any other questions on recruitment, please utilize the resources on this website under the "Prospective Members" tab.
Want to keep up with us over the summer? Follow these links!
· Panhellenic Website: floridastateph.com
· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FSUPanhellenic
· Instagram Handle: @fsupanhellenic
We look forward to meeting you when you arrive at FSU.
In Panhellenic Love,
2024 Panhellenic Recruitment Staff